It is all too easy to stop thinking about the things with which we are familiar. For Christians, one such familiar word is gospel. It is one we usually associate with salvation, which of course is not wrong, but neither is it complete. You see, the term gospel, or good news, is meant to describe […]
Author Archives: Sara Boyd
What We Can Learn From Nehemiah’s Prayer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian during the time of the Nazi regime, once said, “It is not simply to be taken for granted that the Christian has the privilege of living among other Christians.”[1] The idea of spiritual isolation is one that does not affect many who, in modern societies, are at liberty […]
The Passion Translation
There’s so much that needlessly divides our Christian community that it is difficult to write this sort of post. But, this is not politics or secondary theological concerns like whether women should be pastors, what applications the gifts of the spirit have today or even whether salvation can be lost. There is a time and […]
Discussing the New Testament
Occasionally, people will suggest that the New Testament is full of stories that developed over time. In other words, it’s myth. This theory supposedly offers a solution to the historical person of Jesus as well as the claim that he was God. The famous saying, coined by C.S. Lewis, is that Jesus must be either […]
Discussing Jesus as God
In the previous post, the historical Jesus, the man who lived and died in 1st century Palestine, was discussed. Perhaps the more significant question remains: Is Jesus God? One objection that seems to appear frequently in conversation is that Jesus never directly claimed to be God. There are many responses which we could cover, but […]
Discussing the Historical Jesus
“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.”[1] This quote, adapted from a speech given by Winston Churchill, displays the complicated nature of history itself. Textbooks teach the facts of history usually leaving us with little thought to its complex nature. So, what does history have to say regarding the person of Jesus Christ? […]
Discussing the Resurrection
“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.”[1] These words from the Apostle Paul showcase the very heart of Christianity. The fact is simple: Christianity depends on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many books have been written on the evidence for this event,[2] and while it would […]
Discussing Evolution
Evolution has been unilaterally presented for so long, and in such a way, that many have accepted it as fact. It is not fact. It is a theory, and it’s important to recognize that from the outset. Additionally, a common cultural connotation surrounding evolution, especially in popular media, is that only a willfully ignorant or blindly religious individual could disregard Darwin. Ironically, he has […]
Discussing Science
Usually when people discus Christianity, the topic of science is not too far behind, and this can be intimidating. If you didn’t like science in school, or you struggled with it, the temptation may be to avoid that arena all together. The reality though, is that as Christians, we need to know how discuss the […]
Apologetics for Beginners: Tips for Conversation
The purpose of Christian Apologetics is found in 1 Peter 3:15-16 where we are exhorted to know how to offer an explanation for the hope we have in Christ. We should be comfortable discussing what we believe. Perhaps some are merely apathetic about the Great Commission, but it seems many Christians are often intimidated at […]